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MNI  (Lakota word for water



October 2022, New York, USA

Ph: Proposal Muertepungo by María Noboa.


The MNI Festival was made possible in part with public funds from Creative Engagement, a regrant program supported by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council and the New York State Council on the Arts; with the support of the office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and administered by the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council (LMCC).

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A Hybrid International Indigenous Festival of Media Arts and Dance. The Festival is an exchange of discussions, critical thinking, panels, conferences, combined with exhibitions, projections and performances. Through an open call curated by Indigenous artists, scholars and presenters, we will be receiving applications of pieces in the following formats: film; photography; video; digital arts, music production, 3D design, animation and interactive media. Also we will get proposals of Indigenous traditional and contemporary dance with pieces inspired on water and women. 

Our festival and inspiration this time is filled with global Indigenous water perspectives that will bring together diverse technical, cultural, artistic and environmental worldviews related to water and women, how our global survival will depend on the possession, the access and the protection of this precious resource.

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